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Ultimate Omega

Der Tonabnehmer-Entwickler Hisayoshi Nakatsuka arbeitete für verschiedene Firmen und entwickelte viele der berühmt gewordenen Tonabnehmer dieser Welt, ob sie nun einen japanischen oder amerikanischen Markennamen trugen. Mit seiner eigenen Firmengründung ZYX schuf er sich die Grundlage, den reichen Erfahrungsschatz zum Nutzen des musikalischen Ergebnisses kompromisslos einzusetzen. Wie ZYX mit sieben neuen Patenten zeigt, gibt es auch nach 100 Jahren analoger Musikreproduktion per “Nadel” noch immer deutliche Verbesserungen!

Die neue Ultimate-Serie von ZYX kommt mit dem weltweit einzigartigen C-1000 Nadelträger aus Karbonfasern.
Die Vorteile des Karbon-Verbundmaterials liegen in der sehr hohen Steifigkeit bei geringem Gewicht. So ist das von ZYX entwickelte Material steifer als Aluminium, Titan oder gar Stahl und dabei nur halb so schwer wie das für Nadelträger gerne verwendete Bor. Damit erreicht ZYX nicht nur einen bis 100kHz erweiterten Frequenzbereich, sondern auch eine verbesserte Abtastfähigkeit.
Ein weiterer, klanglich wichtiger Vorteil ist, dass mechanische Schwingungen linear entlang der Faserstruktur des Nadelträgers weitergeleitet werden. So werden Reflexionen, Überlagerungen und Intermodulation beim Abtastvorgang verhindert.

Das Ergebnis ist ein detailreicheres, dynamischeres Klangbild, das dennoch vollkommen harmonisch und natürlich klingt.
Durch die spektakulären Fortschritte der neuen C-1000 Nadelträger wird eine Straffung des Produktportfolios vorgenommen, denn die herausragenden Eigenschaften des neuen Nadelträgers machen einen ebenbürtigen Generator sinnvoll. Nur so wird adäquat in elektrische Signale umgesetzt, was Nadel und Nadelträger „liefern“. Somit fallen die einfacheren Systeme der R-100 Serie weg, die sich in erster Linie durch den Generatorunterscheiden. Stattdessen wird beim neuen R100 Ultimate eine optimierte Variante des Fuji-Generators eingesetzt.
Die Nachfolge des R50 Bloom 2 tritt das neue R50 Bloom 3 an, das mit einem neuen extrasteifen Aluminiumnadelträger und Line-Contact Diamant aufwartet. Das einfachere R50 Bloom entfällt. Alle anderen Systeme der Ultimate Serie erhalten weiterentwickelte Generatoren, die alle mit cryogen-behandelten Spulen aus 6N-Kupfer bestückt sind.

Ultimate 4D

World First C-1000 Carbon Cantilever in Moving Coil Cartridge
The ZYX Ultimate series (100, Airy, 4D, OMEGA and DYNAMIC) use a carbon cantilever for the very first time in a moving coil cartridge. The carbon rod is made from 1000 pieces of composite carbon fiber, hence the name C-1000 carbon cantilever.
This composite carbon fiber is more rigid than aluminum, iron and titanium. In addition, its specific gravity is just half that of boron. Therefore we can be sure that the C-1000 carbon cantilever is the ultimate and ideal cantilever material for analogue record playback.
The carbon cantilever gives us the widest frequency range and a superior tracking performance. A further major benefit is that the mechanical sound signal picked up at the stylus can travel through to the coil in a straight and direct fashion by way of the 1000 pieces of mechanical carbon lines. This ensures that reflected, repeated or modulated mechanical sound signals are completely absent.
The overall result is that you will enjoy the finest, most natural, most dynamic and true to source sound that you have ever experienced.

Cartridge Case For REAL STEREO
Item 11,12 and 13 of the vital design points make very complex demand of the body’s electrical properties. Non metallic body which has two kinds of hard material is necessary in order to achieve these properties, and to prevent external disturbances from influencing the generator system and also it prevents eddy currents in the case from effecting the generator output signal and the resonance occuring on the body surfaces.

Ultimate Airy

World First C-1000 Carbon Cantilever in Moving Coil Cartridge
The ZYX Ultimate series (100, Airy, 4D, OMEGA and DYNAMIC) use a carbon cantilever for the very first time in a moving coil cartridge. The carbon rod is made from 1000 pieces of composite carbon fiber, hence the name C-1000 carbon cantilever.
This composite carbon fiber is more rigid than aluminum, iron and titanium. In addition, its specific gravity is just half that of boron. Therefore we can be sure that the C-1000 carbon cantilever is the ultimate and ideal cantilever material for analogue record playback.
The carbon cantilever gives us the widest frequency range and a superior tracking performance. A further major benefit is that the mechanical sound signal picked up at the stylus can travel through to the coil in a straight and direct fashion by way of the 1000 pieces of mechanical carbon lines. This ensures that reflected, repeated or modulated mechanical sound signals are completely absent.
The overall result is that you will enjoy the finest, most natural, most dynamic and true to source sound that you have ever experienced.

Double Structure Body
By combining non-metallic materials in the construction of the body, the resonance occurring on the body’s surface is excluded from influencing the generator system. An additional advantage is that this method of construction is both light and rigid.

High speed reproduction engine (magnetic circuit)
This circuit is specially processed to null magnetic resistance within magnetic gap, and enables high speed power generation against signals over entire bandwidth straightly without time delay.

Micro-Ridge Stylus
The stylus used Ultimate series has the edges of the diamond shank set parallel to the sides of the cantilever. Using this type of stylus, the hardest axis of the crystal is aligned to act as the contact point with the record groove. This gives stable and smooth tracing and produces a very refined sound, with the additional benefit of giving the stylus an extended life time 2000 hours. The stylus is of the Micro-ridge type, which was originally developed in Japan and offers the highest performance. The contact radius is always 3μm by the ridge made with 6μm thickness.

Ultimate 100

World First C-1000 Carbon Cantilever in Moving Coil Cartridge
The ZYX Ultimate series (100, Airy, 4D, OMEGA and DYNAMIC) use a carbon cantilever for the very first time in a moving coil cartridge. The carbon rod is made from 1000 pieces of composite carbon fiber, hence the name C-1000 carbon cantilever.
This composite carbon fiber is more rigid than aluminum, iron and titanium. In addition, its specific gravity is just half that of boron. Therefore we can be sure that the C-1000 carbon cantilever is the ultimate and ideal cantilever material for analogue record playback.
The carbon cantilever gives us the widest frequency range and a superior tracking performance. A further major benefit is that the mechanical sound signal picked up at the stylus can travel through to the coil in a straight and direct fashion by way of the 1000 pieces of mechanical carbon lines. This ensures that reflected, repeated or modulated mechanical sound signals are completely absent.
The overall result is that you will enjoy the finest, most natural, most dynamic and true to source sound that you have ever experienced.

Double Structure Body
By combining non-metallic materials in the construction of the body, the resonance occurring on the body’s surface is excluded from influencing the generator system. An additional advantage is that this method of construction is both light and rigid.

Magnetic Circuit for Real Stereo
This magnetic circuit has one of ideal construction which can achive said 15 items of vital design points. You will listen smooth and natural real stereo which sound balance of both channel is extremely even.

R50 Bloom3

Specially rigid black aluminum cantilever
Normally the sound of aluminum is very natural, but cannot follow to high frequency perfectly. In order to achieve both its characteristic natural sound and the wide range reproduction, the R50 Bloom 3 has a newly developed rigid aluminum cantilever for the first time.

Cartridge Case For REAL STEREO
Item 11,12 and 13 of the vital design points make very complex demand of the body’s electrical properties. Non metallic body is necessary in order to achieve these properties, and to prevent external disturbances from influencing the generator system and also, it prevents eddy currents in the case from effecting the generator output signal.

The stylus used in the R50 Bloom 3 is the line-contact stylus which can playback up to 40 kHz. And also it has the edges of the diamond shank set parallel to the sides of the cantilever. Using this type of stylus, the hardest axis of the crystal is aligned to act as the contact point with the record groove. This gives stable and smooth tracing and produces a very refined sound, with the additional benefit of giving the stylus an extended life.

Super High speed reproduction engine (magnetic circuit)
This circuit is specially processed to null magnetic resistance within magnetic gap, and enables high speed power generation against signals over entire bandwidth straightly without time delay.

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